6+ jute lamp choices and why jute is a great material for your lamps

Even before we get into our opinion on why jute is a great choice for your lamps, we also want to look at the choices our patrons have made in the last few years. And without a doubt, jute lamps and lamp shades have always flown off the shelf as soon as they came in. There are many reasons why jute is a preferred material for lamps and shades. Here are a few key reasons why jute has always been a popular choice :

Its colour

The natural sand brown colour of jute is a very pleasing colour and its neutrality makes it blend with or complement any type of décor or furnishing colours used in your space. Barring few exceptions, the colour will work wonderfully well with your interiors without taking away the charm of the other elements that you have used for decorating your space.

Its texture

Textures. One of the greatest assets when it comes to a lampshade and jute is definitely the crowing prince in the textures department. The thin laminate layer of jute allows the textures to be uniformly spread across the entire layer of the burlap material. The result : Stunning effect.

Its effect

When the neutrality of jute’s colour and the uniformity of its textures are combined, you end up with a spectacular effect when the lamp is lit. The thin layer of laminate below the jute layer provides the much needed diffusion which allows the light to be consistently spread across the shade. The diffuser layer prevents the bulb from being visible to the naked eye resulting in a remarkable ambiance that is a result of this lovely lamp shade material.

Its nature

Jute by itself is a very earthy and rustic material. When you add it to a lamp, it extends beyond its pastoral nature and ends up giving your space a more rich and deluxe look. And so it becomes the go to option when you want a rustic look. And the go to option when you want a luxurious look. Win win it is right ?

Easy to dust

One of the most common questions that we are faced with – Because of its textures, will it not accumulate dust and make cleaning a nightmare ?

While the fear is valid, jute on the contrary is very easy to dust. Here’s why. The layer of jute, unlike a regular cotton or linen fabric material, is rough. While fabric needs to be dealt with caution, jute can handle a little bit of rough handing  making it easy for dusting with a brush or a dry cloth easier as you leave behind the worry of having to damage the burlap.

Related post : How to clean your lamp shades. Some basic tips

And so, this is our take on Jute. Neat. Rustic. Rich. Easy to clean. And always a great partner to add a wow effect to your living or bed room space. What is your take on jute ? Do leave us a comment. And like we promised, here are some of the popular jute lamps. Get hold of one of them rightaway and you would not repent it.

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