Woodooz Home Decor® official Blog

DIY Christmas tree holiday decor [Video]

DIY Christmas tree holiday decor [Video]

Before anything, have you subscribed to TheWoodooz Youtube channel ? If not, I strongly urge you to click that subscription button right...
A mini tour of the Woodooz Home
Home Decor

A mini tour of the Woodooz Home

Most of you who would have seen our home earlier, would have noticed that we went with a more modern...
No drill child / baby proof gate  with PVC pipes [Video]

No drill child / baby proof gate with PVC pipes [Video]

Imagine this. Food is being prepared. It is hot and is kept on the counter to simmer.  Little L is...
Make a magazine holder  using wooden scraps

Make a magazine holder using wooden scraps

I once walked into the plywood store and asked, "Can you give me some waste pieces of wood. I will...
A wooden name board for your home

A wooden name board for your home

Woodooz is keeping me busy, so much so that I am delaying posting my already completed works - Like this...
Paper Towel Holder – An easy to make DIY project

Paper Towel Holder – An easy to make DIY project

This is a simple DIY that we indulged in based on a need that we really had. We have been...
A lighting / lampshade store in OMR, Chennai
Bespoke Project

A lighting / lampshade store in OMR, Chennai

We have been wanting to write about this for a while and realized there is never a better time than...
Guest Room Lampshade makeover – Hotel project
Bespoke Project

Guest Room Lampshade makeover – Hotel project

It is 4 months since we opened up our showroom in Thoraipakkam and it has been a great ride so...
Five easy Ways to have an Interior Make Over
Home Decor

Five easy Ways to have an Interior Make Over

A makeover needn’t mean pulling down the roof or buying a room full of new furniture. Sometimes tiny changes or...
A DIY Cook Book stand / IPAD holder

A DIY Cook Book stand / IPAD holder

Am surprised that I had yet not put up this post. The video has been more than a month old...
Simple Hanging lampshade using just a garden mesh

Simple Hanging lampshade using just a garden mesh

This was an article that was published in Hindu Metroplus Melange on the 28th of November 2015. Somehow, never found the time...
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